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РАНХиГС - Президентская академия


Russian Language and Culture Center

Russian Language Center of the Siberian Institute of Management - a branch of The Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration invites you to participate in the Summer School

Regulation on the conducting of the Russian language schools during the summer holidays

1. The main tasks of the School are:

  • Formation of linguistic competencies for foreign students in the field of practical knowledge of the Russian language in accordance with the state standard of the Russian Federation in the Russian language as a foreign language;
  • Creation of conditions for acquaintance of foreign schoolchildren with Russian peers, Russian history and culture and the universities of Novosibirsk;
  • Strengthening the position of Russian, popularization and increased interest in learning Russian in the new geopolitical situation;
  • Identification of the communicative competence of foreign students who speak Russian;
  • Formation of tolerance among foreign and Russian young people and a sense of respect for another's culture;
  • Establishment of new international contacts.

2. Organization and content of the program

2.1. The duration of the course is 2 - 4 weeks, during which:

  • 56 hours of classroom lessons per week for an intensive program in a group of up to 10 people,
  • educational excursions to historical places and museums of Novosibirsk, visiting schools and higher educational institutions of the city in order to familiarize high school students with the educational opportunities of the city.

2.2. At the end of the program, students pass an output test and receive a Certificate indicating the amount of subjects studied in academic hours.

2.3. In accordance with the curriculum this cultural and educational program includes the following disciplines:

  • Practical course of the Russian language
  • Phonetics and intonation
  • The modern Russian language
  • Russian literature
  • Russian country studies
  • The history of Russian сulture